जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा" (Jawani Chocolate Bhail Ba), sung by Arvind Akela Kallu and Shilpi Raj. Featuring Shweta Mahara, the lyrics are penned by Ashutosh Tiwari, with music composed by Priyanshu Singh. The song is directed by Deepansh Singh and is released under Inspire x Isobaric. It officially dropped on August 29, 2024.
जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा (Jawani Chocolate Bhail Ba) - Arvind Akela Kallu & Shilpi Raj - Song Lyrics
Lyrics Coming Soon..
🎶 Song Details:
- 📀 Song Name: जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा (Jawani Chocolate Bhail Ba)
- 🎙️ Sung by: Arvind Akela Kallu & Shilpi Raj
- 💃🏻 Featuring on: Shweta Mahara
- ✍ Lyrics by: Ashutosh Tiwari
- 🎼 Music given by: Priyanshu Singh
- 🎬 Directed by: Deepansh Singh
- 🎞️ Music Label/Released on: Inspire x Isobaric
- 📷 Release Date: August 29, 2024
जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा (Jawani Chocolate Bhail Ba) - Arvind Akela Kallu & Shilpi Raj - Song Video
Watch the Video Here
FAQ - जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा (Jawani Chocolate Bhail Ba)
Who is the singer of "जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा"?
The song is sung by Arvind Akela Kallu and Shilpi Raj.Who is featured in the song "जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा"?
Shweta Mahara is featured in this song.Who wrote the lyrics for "जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा"?
The lyrics are written by Ashutosh Tiwari.Who composed the music for "जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा"?
The music is given by Priyanshu Singh.What is the Song "जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा" release date?
The song was released on August 29, 2024, by Inspire x Isobaric.
This is another song by Arvind Akela Kallu and Shilpi Raj for the year 2024. The lyrics of this song are outstanding and superb. Shweta Mahara looks absolutely stunning in this song. This song is being highly appreciated by the audience and is creating a sensation on YouTube. We hope you liked the lyrics of the song "जवानी चॉकलेट भईल बा". Don’t forget to share this on your Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social media platforms. Thank you!